I'd rather not talk about it too much because I don't like giving trade secrets away. 我不愿就此多谈,因为我不想泄露秘密。
The trade unions bargained away their rights in exchange for a small pay rise. 工会不惜牺牲自己的权利以换取微薄的加薪。
When we embrace Free Trade, You blame us for taking away your jobs. 现在的我们贸易自由,又埋怨我们抢走你们的饭碗。
Every airline passenger is after a good price, but the one thing people will not trade away is safety, he says. 他说,每位乘客都想要便宜的价格,但有一样东西没人会拿来换钱,那就是安全。
Last year, the marketing vice president of a small maker of consumer goods wanted to hire a booth designer for a trade show that was eight months away. 去年,一家消费品小生产商的营销副总裁希望为八个月后的贸易展会聘用一名展位设计师。
The completion of the Doha trade round appeared as far away as ever at the weekend, when a gathering of trade ministers at the world economic forum in Davos descended into acrimony. 各国贸易部长周末在达沃斯世界经济论坛上的聚会,演变成一场互相的指责,令完成多哈回合贸易谈判的愿景显得遥不可及。
Fairness sustains faith in the system, she scolded. That faith is difficult to sustain when companies are forced to trade away their intellectual property just to enter. 公平会保持对体系的信任,她带着训斥的口吻说,如果企业仅仅为了进入市场就被迫牺牲知识产权,那么这种信任很难保持。
The result was a trade round that every negotiator could afford to walk away from. 结果是,在贸易回合中,每个谈判者都可以不负责任地离开谈判桌。
Currently we do not sell, trade, give away or rent your personal data to others apart from those parties mentioned above. 除上述所提及以外,我们不会出售、交易、交出或租售你的个人资料给第三者。
The US experience with the eurozone over recent years should have discouraged assumptions that the country can simply depreciate its trade deficit away. 近年来美国与欧元区的经贸往来现状,应该能打消美元贬值、就能减少美国贸易逆差的假设。
The next price level with enough volume to take him out of his trade could be several tics away, either creating a huge loss or forcing him to give a substantial winning trade back to the market. 能再次平仓的位置可能是几个基点以外了,要么是大亏,要么是把赢的很多钱又送还给市场。
Dark pools are places where anonymous buyers and sellers can trade directly with each other away from normal," lit "exchanges. 暗盘就是进行此类活动的“仙境”&交易双方可以在这里直接进行匿名交易,从而告别“光明正大”的证券交易所。
They were looking to capture trade goods and slaves and take away anything of value. 他们到处搜寻,掠走商品、奴隶以及一切有价值的东西。
If your products suit my trade, I'll order large quantities right away. 如果你们的产品符合我的生意,我马上下大订单。
It was always wishful thinking to suppose that Mr Kim was developing his nukes in order to trade them away. 认为金正日发展核武只是为了卖出去的想法,简直是一厢情愿。
But lowering trade barriers can help compete away monopoly profits. 而降低贸易壁垒有助于通过竞争减少垄断利润。
The bad weather has driven trade away. 坏天气使生意萧条。
We'll never trade away reputation for money. “我们从不用声誉和钱做交易”。
Country A is governed from the right or centre-right: fiscal conservatism, free trade and private pensions give the game away. A国是由右翼或中间偏右分子所统治的:财政保守主义、自由贸易和私立养老保险制度漏出了马脚。
That merger almost sparked a transatlantic trade war before the EU stepped away, and if China or India were seen to use competition law to advance political aims, the result would be similar. 若非欧盟作出让步,这场合并交易几乎引发了一场跨大西洋的贸易战;而如果其它国家认为中国或印度利用竞争法来达到某种政治目的,结果会很相似。
Trade always fall away during the summer. 在夏季期间,贸易总是会消减。
If a player attempts to trade with another player that is10 billion kilometres away ( or even on another map) log that. 如果一个玩家试图和100亿公里以外的玩家交易(或者甚至在另一张地图上),记录下来。
But China was fighting vicious border wars just a few decades ago with both Russia and India and, while Brazil is a large and growing trade partner, South America is very far away. 但就在数十年前,中国还与俄罗斯和印度展开激烈的边境战争。尽管巴西是中国的一大贸易伙伴,且贸易额还在不断增长,但南美洲离中国太遥远了。
The increase in Global trade and investment flows has tilted things away from labour towards capital. 全球贸易及投资流动增加,使生产要素的天平从劳动力向资本倾斜。
Official trade union support dropped away. 工会的支持削弱了。
Yet for the past year or so trade negotiators in Geneva have been chiselling away at the areas of disagreement. 然而过去的几年,在日内瓦的谈判一直在凿除有分歧的领域。
That faith is difficult to sustain when companies are forced to trade away their intellectual property just to enter or expand in a foreign market, or when vital supply chains are blocked. 当公司企业为了开辟或扩大一个外国市场而不得不以其知识产权作交换时,或当关键的供应链被切断时,这种信任便难以维持。
The arrangement of the WTO multilateral trade Frame has determined that keeping away foreign antidumping is a shoulder heavy responsibility and long-term work for any member country, especially the Big Export Country. China is no exception to the rule. WTO多边贸易体制框架安排,决定了防范外国反倾销对任何成员国尤其是出口大国而言是任重道远的一项长期工作,对中国也是如此。
Although the two trade ports of Guangzhou and Kyakhta thousands of miles away, but they implicated each other. 虽然恰克图与广州两个口岸相隔万里,但存在相互牵连。